Wound care is the management and treatment of wounds. Since there are numerous different kinds of wounds, and they can affect health in so many ways, this is a big and complex topic. Wounds can have complicating factors, such as infection, that can develop into larger health risks.
Minor wounds can be self-treated by carefully following first aid instructions. At the doctor’s office, clinics, and hospitals, there are many different kinds of health professionals. The type and severity of the wound will determine if a wound care specialist, a wound care nurse, a physician, or a surgeon is required.
Ever wondered how to treat a wound? First aid depends on how deep the wound is. Minor cuts and wounds require little treatment other than proper cleaning, disinfection, and bandaging. Deeper wounds may need additional treatment. In either case, make sure you remove any loose jewelry before the area swells.
Thoroughly cleaning the wound prevents infection. Do not use hydrogen peroxide or strong solutions that may irritate the wound. Wash hands well, then gently cleanse the wound with gentle soap under room-temperature, running water. Pat the wound dry carefully and apply an antibiotic cream or spray to the wound, followed by a clean bandage.
As the wound heals, the area should be cleaned and bandages should be replaced on a regular basis. If the wound shows signs of infection, visit your nearest TUCWC as soon as possible for treatment. Look for expanding redness or red streaking from the wound, yellow or green pus, cloudy wound drainage, and increased tenderness or pain. If a fever develops, this can also be a sign of infection.
For proper healing, deeper wounds require medical attention and possibly stitches. If a wound can’t be held together with a bandage, continues to bleed after 20 minutes of direct pressure, or becomes infected, seek treatment at your local TUCWC, and always remove any loose jewelry, especially rings, before the area swells.
To avoid tetanus, (lockjaw) a DTaP is recommended for children ages two months to 11 years. Tdaps are recommended between ages 11 and 18. Adults who haven’t had a tetanus shot within the past ten years should visit Tran Urgent Care Centers for a booster.
For patients who suffer from either acute or chronic wounds, any delay in healing increases risk to patients’ overall health and quality of life. It also places a significant burden on the healthcare system. Typical wound management protocols can be successful in some cases. However, depending upon wound-specific characteristics, chronicity, and comorbidities, standard protocols leave many other patients with chronic wounds that do not heal. By choosing an energy-first approach and making SANUWAVE’s UltraMIST System your first-line treatment for advanced wounds, you give your patients a high chance for improvement and ultimately, heal their wounds.
By activating the body’s normal regeneration process, the UltraMIST System offers important wound healing advantages. First, it reduces barriers to healing by reducing bacterial overgrowth, disrupting bacterial biofilms, and controlling inflammation.
At the same time, UltraMIST System therapy promotes healing through vasodilation and by accelerating angiogenesis. A meta-analysis of clinical evidence in cases including diabetic foot, ischemic, neuropathic, venous, multifactorial, pressure, surgical, and traumatic ulcers shows that the rate of wound closure increased from 24% with standard care to 42% with UltraMIST use over a 12-week interval.
To accelerate wound healing even more, in between the UltraMIST System treatments, other standard or advanced wound therapies may be incorporated into the treatment plan — at the discretion of the wound care professional.
The result? Faster relief and better quality of life for your patients with less expenditure of time and resources on costly treatments that don’t work. These savings make the UltraMIST System a financially viable solution for the patient, the provider, and the healthcare system as a whole.